The Exsulite Lightweight Cladding System by Dulux® AcraTex® bridges the gap between substrate and finishing systems offering a fully integrated cladding solution for suitable 1-2 storey residential construction projects.
Exsulite delivers a Total Facade System from Cladding & Components right through to the integrated weather proofing coating for total piece of mind.
AcraTex is a pioneer in the use of EIFS (External Insulation and Finishing System), designing and installing Exsulite systems specifically for insulation benefits as originally pioneered in Europe.
The Exsulite Thermal Facade System is CodeMark™ certified as a fully integrated building system in compliance with the NCA and is approved for use in bushfire prone areas up to BAL 291.
Integration of system design, components and installation is delivered through Dulux AcraTex Exsulite Trained & Registered Installers to ensure the build meets design specification.
- Description
1^. Compliance to standard is relative to the Specification & Installation of the Full System as detailed in the relevant System Certification.
- Exsulite Membrane topcoat
- Exsulite Texture coating
- AcraTex Green Render SealerTM
- Exsulite Matrix BasecoatTM
- 165gsm Alkali Resistant Mesh
- Exsulite Matrix Basecoat
- Fixings
- Exsulite panel
- External angle beads
- Starter channel with weep holes
- Cavity Spacers
- Breathable Wall wrap
- Timber or Steel frame

Exsulite Thermal Facade Systems are used as light weight integrated facade systems as an alternative to traditional masonry systems in Residential construction classified as:
Residential External Walls to NCC Volume Two, Class 1 and 10 buildings with wind loads to either:
AS/NZS 1170.2
AS 4055 “Wind loads for housing” for Wind Classifications N2, N3, N4, N5, within the AS4055 limitations less than 8.5m in height and less than 16m in width and where the length does not exceed five times the width and roof pitch does not exceed 35 degrees, fixed to either steel or timber frames.
Integration of System Design, Components and Installation is delivered by a Dulux AcraTex Exsulite Trained & Registered Installer to ensure the build meets the design specification.
System installation and job quality control documentation is project managed by a Dulux AcraTex Exsulite Trained & Registered Installer to ensure all jobs are installed in accordance with Exsulite Thermal Facade System specifications.
All design and construction must comply with the appropriate requirements of the current Building Code of Australia (NCA) regulations. The NCA is comprised of two volumes. The volumes divide the types of building into two groups being Volume 1: Class 2 to Class 9 Buildings and Volume 2: Class 1 & Class 10 Buildings – Housing Provisions. All the regulations for construction of buildings are contained in these volumes.
The Exsulite Thermal Facade System is CodeMarkTM certified1 as a total integrated facade system in compliance with the Building Code of Australia’s performance criteria for:
- Structural Performance, Wind Resistance
- Thermal Performance – Exsulite Facade System weatherproofing performance complies with the requirements of NCC 2016 Weatherproof Verification Methods V2.2.1 & FV1.
- Damp and Weatherproofing
CodeMark certification2 provides building certifiers with the confidence that the system performs against these criteria and together with an “Exsulite Certificate of Installation” from a Dulux AcraTex Exsulite Trained & Registered Installer confirms that the build meets the design specification at job completion.
Compliance to standard is relative to the Specification & Installation of the Full System as detailed in the relevant System Certification.
Thermal Facade Cavity System
Download Exsulite CodeMark Certificate of Conformity PDF
Exsulite-EPS Thermal Facade Systems offer high insulating performance up to R4.9 relative to specific system specification.
Thermal efficiency is optimised by the inherent insulating performance of the Exsulite-EPS panel and its placement as a continuous “outer” barrier thus reducing the impact of thermal bridging prevalent in non-insulating cladding systems where cavity insulation is placed between studs. Exsulite systems are available in 60, 75 or 100mm panel thickness (increasing R-Value with panel thickness) and with or without additional cavity batt insulation where even higher insulating performance is required.
The following Exsulite SmartRate R-Value reports are calculated in accordance with the principles outlined in the Building Code of Australia (2012) and should be read in conjunction with the nominated system design detail.
Download Exsulite-EPS SmartRate Report – without cavity batt insulation PDF
Download Exsulite-EPS SmartRate Report – including R2.0 cavity batt insulation PDF
Thermal Facade Cavity System – Composite
Download Exsulite Composite Thermal Facade Cavity CodeMark Certificate of Conformity PDF
Reference 1^, 2^. Compliance to standard is relative to the Specification & Installation of the Full System as detailed in the relevant System Certification.
- Exsulite System
- Exsulite-EPS
- Technical Data
Bushfire Attack Levels
Exsulite-EPS is rated1 to BAL29 (Bushfire Attack Level 29), suitable for use in High Risk areas as defined in Australian Standard “AS 3959 : Construction of Buildings in Bushfire Prone areas”. AS 3959 divides bushfire prone areas into six bushfire attack levels (BAL), based on the severity of the building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact as follows:
BAL-LOW – very low risk
BAL-12.5 – low risk
BAL-19 – moderate risk
BAL-29 – high risk
BAL-40 – very high risk
BAL-FZ – extreme risk (Flame Zone)
Download Exsulite-EPS BAL29 Certificate PDF
1^. Compliance to standard is relative to the Specification & Installation of the Full System as detailed in the relevant System Certification